City of Marquette, MI

Meeting Agenda

City Commission


Monday, January 13, 2025

6:00 PM

Commission Chambers


300 West Baraga Ave

Marquette, Michigan 49855

Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call
Approval of the Agenda
Boards and Committees
Recommend the appointment of Jamie Glenn as the City of Marquette representative on the Marquette County Transit Authority, for a term ending 12-31-27

Dallas Fetter, Planning Commission, for a term ending 02-15-2028

Margaret Rayner, Planning Commission, for a term ending 02-15-2028

Robert Kulisheck, Marquette Brownfield Redevelopment Authority, for a term ending 02-01-2028 

Charles Klecha, Downtown Development Authority, for a term ending 01-01-2029

Public Comments - Comments may not exceed three minutes per person. Please state your name and physical address when making public comments.
3.Upper Peninsula Children’s Museum Guardian Recognition - Natalie Potter and Lincoln Veres
4.Recognition of City Retirees - Mike Parsons and Mike Koval
5.Board of Review, by Chair Justin Vasseau
6.Consent Agenda
6.a.Approve the minutes of the December 16, 2024 regular Commission meeting
6.b.Approve the total bills payable in the amount of $1,482,850.34
6.c.Biogas Conditioning Skid Media and Testing
6.d.Senior Services - Master Agreement to Purchase Services
New Business
7.Contract Extension and Amendment for BP17-11 Solid Waste Collection Services - Curbside Residential
8.Purchase of Leak Detection Equipment
Public Comments - Comments may not exceed three minutes per person. Please state your name and physical address when making public comments.
Comments from the Commission
Comments from the City Manager
Kyle Whitney, City Clerk  

If you require assistance to participate in any meeting, program or activity offered by the City of Marquette, please provide advanced notice to City of Marquette ADA Coordinator Eric Stemen at 906-225-8978 or via email at