Item Coversheet

City of Marquette, MI
300 West Baraga Avenue
Marquette, MI 49855

Agenda Date: 1/13/2025

Consent Agenda
Biogas Conditioning Skid Media and Testing


The co-generation units at the Wastewater Treatment Plant require the biogas to be treated before being burned in the units. Two compounds, Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) and Siloxanes, must be reduced to protect the engines. Specially formulated media is used to remove the compounds from the biogas. Over time that media is used up and must be replaced. The life of the media is dependent on the amount of H2S and Siloxanes in the raw gas. Because this compound is variable, we can only give an estimate of how many media changeouts will be needed. Staff has estimated $35,000 will be required to cover the annual cost of the media changeouts and required gas testing.


Sufficient funds are available in the FY 2025 Wastewater budget.

Approve the expenditure in the amount not to exceed $35,000 to Unison Solutions for media replacement and gas testing.

As determined by the Commission.

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