Item Coversheet

City of Marquette, MI
300 West Baraga Avenue
Marquette, MI 49855

Agenda Date: 9/9/2024

Consent Agenda
Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Funding for the YMCA


Staff from the David and Thu Brule' YMCA of Marquette County (YMCA) recently asked the City to serve as the fiscal pass-through agent for funding from the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians. They plan to ask the Tribe for $6,000 to assist the YMCA's youth programs for low-to-moderate income families. In consideration of the City agreeing to act as a pass-through, the YMCA agrees to dedicate any funds received from the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe to the purposes set forth in the attached agreement prepared by the City Attorney.


Proceeds from the Tribe's 2% gaming revenue would be used to fund the request; gaming regulations require that a local municipality serve as the fiscal agent for such awards.  This payment is not allocated to the City of Marquette, but is a contribution to the YMCA.

No direct cost to the City.

Authorize the City to act as the fiscal intermediary for Sault Ste. Marie Tribe funding of $6,000 to assist the YMCA's youth programs for low-to-moderate income families, and authorize the City Manager to sign the attached agreement.

As determined by the Commission.

YMCA Sault Tribe Request
YMCA Sault Tribe Agreement