On May 21, 2024, the Planning Commission conducted a Public Hearing for the consideration of a comprehensive set of amendments to the Land Development Code that had been the subject of several months of work and refinement before this meeting. After considering the proposed amendments and conducting a Public Hearing, the Planning Commission approved the following motion:
It was moved by K. Clegg, seconded by M. Rayner, and carried 9-0 that after review of the draft Land Development Code (LDC) amendments presented as case 01-ZOA-05-2024, and after conducting a public hearing and careful consideration of the contents of the draft LDC amendments, the Planning Commission finds that the draft LDC amendments are consistent with the recommendations, goals, and policy objectives of the Community Master Plan, comply with section 54.1405 of the Land Development Code and therefore are justified and appropriate and therefore should be approved by the City Commission with the following amendment – that the last sentence of item 54.1003(F)(2) be amended to state that wood other than cedar must be treated.
In the attached Ordinance text, strikethroughs indicate repealed Land Development Code content, while yellow highlights indicate newly added material. The text amendment mentioned in the Planning Commission motion has been made to the attached Ordinance #731 document.