Item Coversheet

City of Marquette, MI
300 West Baraga Avenue
Marquette, MI 49855

Agenda Date: 9/11/2023

Consent Agenda - Roll Call Vote
Schedule Public Hearing - Possible City Charter Amendments


Section 13-7 of the Marquette City Charter states, “Every ten years the city commission shall appoint a charter study group. The charter study group shall review this charter and make recommendations for changes in this charter. The charter study group shall make its recommendations within one year after appointment.” At the December 19, 2022 regular meeting, the City Commission appointed a Charter Study Group, in accordance with this section.


The study group was comprised of the City Manager, City Attorney and City Clerk, and was tasked with determining whether there exists a need for Charter amendments. At that time, the Commission also directed the City Manager to plan for and schedule at least one public hearing in 2023 to obtain public feedback.


In recent months, the Manager, Attorney, Clerk, and Deputy Clerk have conducted an in-depth, chapter-by-chapter review of the City Charter. This review -- and follow-up discussions with other City staff -- resulted in the short list of recommended amendments that has been presented to the Commission.


Having completed a full review of the City Charter, the Charter Study Group is now recommending the Commission schedule a public hearing to gain input on the proposed amendments.


Any Charter amendment must ultimately be approved by voters at a citywide election. If the Commission decides to pursue amendments, the ballot language will be drafted by staff and must then be approved by the City Commission, and by the offices of the Michigan Governor and Attorney General, prior to being put before voters.

None by this action.

Schedule a public hearing for October 10 to obtain input on possible City Charter Amendments.

As determined by the Commission.

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