Date Established: Established pursuant to MCL 124.2 (Act 35 of 1951); and under the provisions of an Agreement between the City and the Townships of Marquette and Chocolay on September 19, 1977. A subsequent Agreement was signed by all parties on May 31, 1983; the Agreement was amended November 13, 2006. The Board oversees the operation of the Wastewater Treatment Plant based on provisions of the Agreement.
Number of Members & Term of Office: The Board consists of five members serving three-year terms. Three of the five members are appointed by the City; each Township appoints one member. The governing body of each local unit may also appoint up to two alternate board members for each board member it appoints. The term of office of each alternate will coincide with the terms of office of Board members. If a member resigns, their alternate would serve until the term expires or the municipality appoints another.
Meetings Held: The meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at the Marquette Area Wastewater Treatment Facility (1930 U.S. 41 South Marquette).