Boards and Commissions:
Board/Commission:  Local Officers Compensation Commission

Contact Name: Wendy Larson
Phone: 906-228-0435

Date Established:  The Local Officers Compensation Commission was established on July 11, 1977, when the City Commission adopted Ordinance #306 (now Sec. 2-460 and 2-461 of the City Code).  This Commission is also governed by MCL 117.5C (Public Act 279 of 1909).  The Compensation Commission determines the salaries of elected City officials (City Commission and Board of Light & Power). 


Number of Members & Term of Office:  The Board has seven members serving seven-year terms.  Terms shall expire so that only one seat expires per year.


Meetings Held:  The Board meets only in odd-numbered years at the call of the Chairperson.

Board Seats: 

Board SeatTerm StartTerm EndTitleBoard MemberAppointed By
LOCC 601/28/201908/01/2025 Braamse, John 
LOCC 708/01/201908/01/2026   
LOCC 107/26/202108/01/2027 Gordon, Carl 
LOCC 208/01/202108/01/2028   
LOCC 306/26/202308/01/2029 Swentik, Stephen 
LOCC 408/01/202308/01/2030Vacant