Boards and Commissions:
Board/Commission:  Local Development Finance Authority

Contact Name: Mary Schlicht
Phone: 906-228-0415

Date Established:  Established pursuant to 125.2153 (Act 281 of 1986) by resolution after a public hearing held on August 29, 1988.  On June 30, 2014, the City Commission passed a resolution to expand the boundaries of Marquette’s Local Development Finance Authority (LDFA) to encompass the entire City of Marquette. 


Number of Members & Term of Office:  The Authority consists of 11 members serving four-year terms, except the first members will serve staggered terms of one, two, three and four years.  Seven of the members are appointed by the City; Northern Michigan University appoints one member; Marquette Area Public Schools appoints two members and Marquette County appoints one member.


Meetings Held: As needed.

Board Seats: 

Board SeatTerm StartTerm EndTitleBoard MemberAppointed By
LDFA 308/01/202108/01/2025   
LDFA 908/01/202108/01/2025Treasurer (MAPS Appt)Cherry, Brian 
LDFA 1108/01/202308/01/2027(Marquette County Appt)Adamini, Steve 
LDFA 708/01/202308/01/2027Vacant -Holding seat until successor is apHartman, Leslie 
LDFA 105/03/202408/01/2026Vacant  
LDFA 509/30/202408/01/2028(City of Marquette Appt)Heikkila, Bruce